When a relationship comes to an end it can be a very painful and difficult time, often with many complicated issues that need resolving. Receiving professional advice from experienced experts is crucial to achieving the right outcome for you.
Our family law team will always listen to you, work with all parties to resolve the situation with empathy and minimal stress.
From divorce, separation, civil partnerships, cohabitation agreements and financial arrangements to private children law, public law and child care proceedings, with our vast legal expertise and knowledge Main Nickolls can help.
We are always in your corner.

Whether you are considering a divorce, dissolving a civil partnership or have chosen to separate from a long-term partner you live with, our expert lawyers are here to support you every step of the way.
We can give you clear, comprehensive and constructive advice so that you feel confident to make informed decisions on how to proceed and help you to resolve any issues arising out of the breakdown of your relationship - including child custody and financial arrangements.

Disputes regarding children can be the most contentious and difficult aspects of family law. It is imperative that the needs and welfare of a child are put first at all times.
If you are looking for help to retain or agree who your children should live with or making contact arrangements, applying for international child location or managing social services, our family law specialists can help you - whether this is immediately after separation, or months or years after a divorce has been finalised.

Care Proceedings can be very daunting and stressful for parents during social services involvement with the family. Our specialist team covers all aspects of child care law and are members of the Law Society’s Children Panel meaning we can provide you with professional advice and assistance during Public Law proceedings.
We represent parents, grandparents, other family members, children and children’s Guardians. We can also represent you during PLO or Pre proceedings meetings with the Local Authority

Adopting a child, or having a child via a surrogate, can be an exciting time in your life, but you need to be aware of the many legal issues that must be considered.
There are many conditions and criteria that must be fulfilled for both adoption and surrogacy before you can obtain a parental order from the court and have any legal rights over the child. With guidance from our specialist family lawyers, we can support you through every step of the process.

The financial aspects of divorce are a key consideration for most couples on separation and can cause additional stress to an already difficult situation.
Our team of professional family lawyers have experience in both litigation and non-court methods of resolving a financial dispute, which include mediation, collaborative law and arbitration. We always take the time to understand your situation and needs, so that we achieve the best outcome for you and your family.

Domestic violence can make you feel very alone and scared to ask for help, but with our sensitive approach from a team of dedicated legal specialists, we can give you the advice and support you need to protect yourself and your children from abusive partners, ex partners or other family members.
With most situations requiring urgent action, we can start proceedings to obtain an injunction or protection immediately. We will always advise you on your rights and the best course of action to take.

If you choose not to marry, you and your partner can still protect yourselves legally and financially with a civil partnership - these arrangements offer many of the same rights and responsibilities but outside the institution of marriage.
With our team of experienced family lawyers, we can advise you on every aspect of civil partnerships, including setting up a pre-civil partnership or post-civil partnership agreement, handling separation and the dissolution of civil partnerships.

At the start of a new relationship or marriage, it may seem unromantic to set out an legal agreement, but it is a good way of protecting your assets and avoid conflict should the partnership not work out.
Our family law specialists can draw up legal agreements such as pre and post nuptial agreements for those entering into marriage, and co-habitation agreements for couple looking to live together - this offers the legal protection of marriage or a civil partnership. The agreements can cover both financial and dependent arrangements.

At Main Nickolls, during times of need, we believe that everyone deserves access to the best legal advice.
In some circumstances of Family Law, you may be eligible for Legal Aid. Whether you are looking for support when it comes to liaising with Social Services, seeking a family injunction or there are concerns around domestic or child abuse, we can guide you through the Legal Aid claims system whilst offering you the best advice.